Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Sketch a Day...

Okay, well here's the first thing you should know. I am a very PROLIFIC artist. I create and I create and I create. The only problem with that (and I attribute this problem to A.D.D. or perhanps the "artistic gene") is that I am always changing my "style" in some way or another.  I think people generally see my work as a certain "look", but like most artists, I always think my work could be better. And the thing is, it could be better. EVERYTHING could be. One of my biggest challenges comes in learning to love imperfection in my own work. 

For example, the piece below I did today, in a response to a new challenge I have given myself. I want to create a new piece every day. The above drawing was done on watercolor paper with a sharpie. I then took the black and white (or in this case, red and white, because I could only find a red sharpie) drawing and photographed it with my phone camera. It inherently gives it a bit of a grungy, grainy look that I love. Next, I uploaded the picture into photoshop and added color, darkened up outlines, played with the exposure, etc... The result is what you see above. Lately, I am all about synthesizing hand drawn with digital work. I like the look.

Hopefully,  for a while you will be see lots of drawings of this nature and a progression of some sort into some congruent "style" for lack of a better word. 

Thanks for looking...


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